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DAC Azure Devops (AZ 400) Labs
Azure DevOps (Lab Notes)
Lab AD1: Create an Account in Azure DevOps
Lab AD2: Create a New Organization
Lab AD3: Create a new project in Azure DevOps
Lab AD4: Integrate Azure DevOps Organization with Azure AD
Lab AD5: Add users in AD to a Project
Azure Boards (Lab Notes)
Lab AB1: Create a Team and Add users
Lab AB2: Create a New Sprint and Set Area Path
Lab AB3: Create an Epic and Add to Product Backlog
Lab AB4: Add Work-items (Feature, User story)
Lab AB5: Assign Users to Work-Items
Lab AB6 : Link Work-Items with Existing Work-Items
Lab AB7: Add Work-Items to Sprint and Set Capacity
Lab AB8: Create Work-item Query and Add Chart
Lab AB9: Create and Customize Team Dashboard
Azure Repos (Lab Notes)
Lab AR1: Install Git on Windows
Lab AR2: Install Git on Windows using Chocolatey software
Lab AR3: Configure Git on our computer
Lab AR4: Create an Azure Repository-Git
Lab AR5: Add source code to Azure Repo
Lab AR6: Create an Account in GitHub
Lab AR7: Create a GitHub Repository
Lab AR8: Add SSH Key in Azure DevOps
Lab AR9: Clone an Azure Repo Branch into a Linux Machine
Azure Pipelines (Lab Notes)
Lab AP1: Create an Azure Pipeline - YAML
Lab AP2: Edit an Azure YAML Pipeline – Add new jobs
Lab AP3: Create Azure Pipelines for a .Net core Application
Lab AP4: Create and Configure an Azure Pipeline for a .NetCore App
Lab AP5: Use Git-Hub Repository with Azure Pipelines
Lab AP6: Generate PAT for Agent Configuration
Lab AP7: Install and Configure Azure Self-Hosted Agent
Lab AR4: Create an Azure Repository-Git
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